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Name - Description Default Type
<input> Any
<output> Physics.Body
Location The initial location, updated by physics simulation none Var(Float3)
Rotation The initial location, updated by physics simulation none Var(Float4)
Static Static node, persist when not activated false Bool
Enabled Can be used to toggle this node when it has static persistence true BoolVar(Bool)
Shape The shape of the body none Var(Physics.SoftBodyShape)
Friction 0.2 FloatVar(Float)
Restitution Restitution coefficient 0 FloatVar(Float)
LinearDamping Linear damping coefficient 0.05 FloatVar(Float)
MaxLinearVelocity Max linear velocity 500 FloatVar(Float)
GravityFactor Gravity factor 1 FloatVar(Float)
Pressure Pressure 0 FloatVar(Float)
CollisionGroup Collision filtering type (the first component contains group membership mask, the second part contains a filter mask)If any bits match the filter of the other, the two objects will collide @i2(-1 -1) Int2Var(Int2)
Tag Tag for the body used in collision events none Any
Context The physics context Var: Physics.Context Var(Physics.Context)

Defines a new node