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Name Mandatory Description Default Type
⬅️ Input The input of this shard is ignored. None
Output ➡️ Outputs the current time of the animation timer Float
Animation No The Animation object to take the duration from. none Var([{Path: [String] Frames: [{Time: Float Value: Any none: Any}]}])[{Path: [String] Frames: [{Time: Float Value: Any none: Any}]}]None
Duration No The duration of the timer, the timer will loop or stop after reaching this value. none NoneFloatVar(Float)
Looped No If set to true, the timer will loop after reaching the target time true NoneBoolVar(Bool)
Rate No The playback rate 1 NoneFloatVar(Float)
Offset No Timer offset none NoneFloatVar(Float)
Action No The shards to execute whenever the shard reached the specified duration. none Shard[Shard]None
Variable No The variable to store the current time of the timer in. none NoneVar(Float)

This shard sets a duration (either taken form the animation object in the Animation Parameter or specified in the Duration parameter) and executes the shards specified in the Action parameter whenever that duration is reached.